Becoming Mindful of Your Mind
I recently completed a Life coach Certification with The Life Coach School I learned some very practical tools for managing thoughts. I knew the importance of my thinking and was mindful of my thoughts, yet I couldn’t uncover some of the thoughts that were limiting my life. I learned a process called the "Thought Download"
Well before I completed my coach trainings , I knew the importance of my thoughts, yet I didn’t understand how I could UNCOVER them. Not until I tried a simple process I learned called the "Thought Download".
In a "Thought Download", you spend a few minutes daily to reveal thoughts on any topic.
With paper or computer/device on hand, take a few deep breaths, and bring a topic to mind, one that is troubling or activated right now, such as
your health and body
your career or financial life
a worry or concern in a relationship
an upcoming or event or procrastination
Now write down your thoughts as they arise. Free write without attempting to get it right.
Relax and allow for them to come up. Get them out on paper.
Now, this can be enlightening, but also unsettling, (that’s why these thoughts stay buried).
Once out on paper they can seem more separate from you.
THEY ARE NOT WHO YOU ARE. It’s simply the content of your mind right now.
Most thoughts arise from past conditioning, and VERY OFTEN DO NOT SERVE US.
Once thoughts are known, you can question them.
Is this thought even true? How does it make me feel?
This is a great starting point to work with a coach or a therapist who can help you develop a more empowering and helpful set of thoughts that serve you.
"Peace BEGINS within"
This process of a “thought download” is a powerful starting place for more peace and compassion in our world.
What is life coaching anyway?
There’s some confusion about what a life coach is and why you’d hire one. We humans benefit from an objective viewpoint, honest feedback, and some accountability. Our friends and family will not serve that purpose. Having a conversation with a coach is very different than any other interaction. If you have a large goal or an area of growth that is triggering your fears or you’re not addressing an underlying problem, a life coach can help.
There’s some confusion about what a life coach is and why you’d hire one. We humans benefit from an objective viewpoint, honest feedback, and some accountability. Our friends and family will not serve that purpose. Having a conversation with a coach is very different than any other interaction. If you have a large goal or an area of growth that is triggering your fears or you’re not addressing an underlying problem, a life coach can help.
You can be a highly functional person and seek the help of a coach. They are ready to go for more, and not more stuff, but more connection and fulfillment. And if you think it’s extra, or selfish, think again. There is great benefit to your loved ones when you raise your self-awareness and show up as the loving presence you are. Working with a coach will help you focus on what you do have control over, and leave the rest alone. You’ll learn how your own response to your life circumstances is what’s creating the world you live in.